Julia Cameron Rightly States Serious Art Is Born From Serious Play

la fin.

After a scrap of word, we have decided to end this web log journeying.  Heading into the last crucial weeks of TAW during the peak of the holiday season would be a crazy-making expedition for all of us.  We encourage you lot to continue on through the book at your own pace.  Should any of y'all wish for a "buddy" to electronic mail with about this journey, feel gratis to post on the Facebook page.  Thanks to those who have participated so far.

May all your creative dreams come true,

Rebecca and Karen Beth

Creativity occurs in the moment, and in the moment we are timeless. {Julia Cameron}

-1- How many days this week did you practice your morning pages?  How was the feel for you?  If you skipped a twenty-four hours, why did y'all skip information technology?

The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.  ~ Shakti Gawain

Desire, enquire, believe, receive.  ~ Stella Terrill Isle of mann

-2- Did you do your artist engagement this week?  What did yous do?  How did it feel?

Genuine beginnings begin inside us, even when they are brought to our attention past external opportunities.  ~ William Bridges

We will notice the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other peoples' models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channels to open up.  ~ Shakti Gawain

-3- Did you feel any synchronicity this week?  What was it?

Since you are like no other being ever created since the start of time, you are incomparable.  ~ Brenda Ueland

I have fabricated my earth and it is a much better earth than I ever saw outside.
~ Louise Nevelson

-4- Were there any other issues this calendar week that you consider significant for your recovery?  Describe them.

In that location is a vitality, a life force, an free energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of yous in all time, this expression is unique.  And if yous cake it, it will never exist through whatsoever other medium and will be lost.
~ Martha Graham

It'southward  Halloween!!  What did you lot do this calendar week or weekend to "treat" yourself?  Did you lot endeavour the list for the weekend of needs and wants?  Did you claiming your inventiveness in anyway for Halloween?

I had trick-or-treaters for the first time ever last nighttime (our neighborhood did Halloween on the 30th).  I recently moved into a house on a busy street and was so excited to have little goblins and ghouls to my door.  I was stocked upwardly on candy but realized at the last minute that I needed a costume to answer the door in.  And then, I went through my wardrobe and pulled together a rather cute "gypsy" costume.  I dressed my domestic dog every bit Elle from Legally Blonde (pink sweater and she is blonde) and my blackness cat went as a… black cat.  We had a bully time and it was such fun using what I had.

Today I accept been blaring Christmas music and cooking all day.  Sweetness lone bliss.

P.S.  I did viii of my fourteen need / want weekend list items!


I love the section on growth because it encourages us to pamper ourselves, to take time for ourselves, to make sure that we are treating ourselves well.

As an "extreme self-intendance" enthusiast, I love all these things.

At the starting time of every weekend, I take out my journal and I make two columns.  One column is a listing of all the things I "NEED" to do on the weekend and the other column is a listing of all the things I "Want" to do on the weekend.  I love existence productive and getting things done but also know that I demand to cater some to my fun, creative side so this method works for me.

The things I "Need" to do are normally things similar laundry, clean kitchen, weed plants, rake.  The things I "WANT" to practise are things like cook a pot of soup from scratch, sit at the park with my periodical, go horseback riding, become to a matinĂ©e of a picture show I've been wanting to see.

I normally make these lists pretty long – twenty or then items per column.  I never become them all done only I have the things written down that I need to do – the things that I volition feel bad at the end of the weekend if I oasis't done – and the things I want to exercise – those things that will really feed my soul and make me feel like I've spent time in a special way.

So, how does this relate to self-care and growth?  By making these lists, I'g insuring that I exercise things I need to do but likewise that I want to do.  As many of you, I work Monday – Friday and then my weekend fourth dimension is sacred.  I want to make the nigh of it.  This allows me to abound and exist more creative.

Lists aren't for everyone, I know, and in some ways, they do seem a bit uptight.  Just, I like having it all written out in my journal and it helps my spirits unbelievably.

*** How practice yous residue demand with want?  What things exercise you do to show kindness to yourself?  What volition you do this very weekend?

Hey everyone! It'due south me, Rebecca.

I am an good on shame.

When I was a kid, my sister and I recorded ourselves singing on a tape recorder. Our mom walked by and stopped to listen, then she asked what that atrocious sound was in the background. That awful audio was me, Friends. Ouch.

I quit singing.

A few years afterwards, I messed up royally during a piano recital. The other kids got hugs and roses from their parents. I didn't. My parents walked me out in dead silence.

I quit playing pianoforte.

When I was a teenager, I took my art portfolio to an interview for a summer art camp. The two reviewers started making jokes about one of my pieces.

I quit painting.

For years, I thought I quit those things out of perfectionism, but that wasn't information technology at all. I just couldn't accept the shaming.

There'south a great quote in the book: "Shame is retriggered in us every bit adults considering our internal artist is always our artistic kid."

Now, when I read nigh those iii shaming incidents I mentioned above, my instinct is to protect that child! To get angry at those people and encourage her to proceed going.

Since the start time I read TAW, I've learned to protect myself from shaming by following 1 rule: I share my artistic life (new projects, ideas, works in progress) but with people I KNOW will be supportive. I let everyone else in when I'thousand ready.

For example, I accept one friend who's a troubleshooter. When y'all tell her about an thought, she points out the negatives. If I told her about a new idea for something creative, she would try to shame me into dropping it. So, I manage the situation by not telling her almost projects until they're done.

Instead of quitting things to avoid shaming, I'k doing the things I relish and nipping the shame in the bud.

That doesn't mean criticism never comes my fashion. If you share what yous exercise, you Volition get criticized. But now that I'm protecting that creative child in me, I can appreciate skilful criticism and permit it make me better instead of being devastated by information technology.

Practice you lot have a shame demon (a past devastating incident) that needs to be exorcised? Feel free to share it here, or let united states of america know what you're doing to deal with the fear of shame and motility forward.

"Answered prayers are scary." {page 62}

Male child, she's not kidding.

I've been immersed in "going greenish" for some time now.  I talk about it, try to live it, tell others, I even started a market in my customs that is all about green, sustainable living.

So, it was a natural fit when I started thinking (and talking about) writing a "green" cavalcade in the local newspaper.  I talked about information technology for a good couple of months, wrote manufactures in my head, pondered what good messages I could get beyond, etc.

Then I pitched the idea to the editor of the local paper.

And he accepted.


My initial feeling was elation.  However, that only lasted a few minutes until fear took over.  I was downright scared.  Yes, I knew this stuff and I love researching and learning more but I kept thinking, "I'm in over my caput.  What if I actually can't do this?"

This answered prayer does imply responsibleness for me and sometimes it does seem much easier and more than fun to daydream most what things might be like if they happened.  But, that's the thing virtually daydreaming:  If yous think well-nigh information technology, plan for it, act similar it is going to happen, it ordinarily does.


Of class, in this case, I really pitched the thought to the editor but I fully believe that if the Universe had not wanted me to have the cavalcade, the editor would not have accepted.  And I believe that all the thought and free energy I put into it beforehand made all the departure in the world.

I've said before that honing your sense of intuition and synchronicity makes even more synchronicity come near.  That is the absolute truth.  That's why it is so important to jot down little notes when y'all notice moments of synchronicity.  Even piddling things… think of a metallic flower and see if y'all don't, inside an hour or and so, see some form or a metallic flower.

Synchronicity is a powerful and beautiful thing when put to good utilize.  Quite honestly, it fascinates me and I become giddy with excitement when I see examples of it in my ain life.

** Have you noticed any synchronicity in your life since starting this course?  Do you pay better attending now?

  • How many days did yous do your morning pages?  Are you lot starting to embrace this do?  Whatsoever changes you've made to how Julia outlines morning pages?
  • What was your creative person's date?
  • Did y'all have any problems this week relating to the course?
  • Did you lot take any breakthroughs / discoveries?

If you accept blogged about TAW, please share the link.

I had an Artist's Date today.  Part of it was solo and role of it was with others.  I counted both parts as my Artist's Engagement and really had a not bad day.

I went with some friends to a Renaissance Off-white.  I had never been to one before so it was an interesting experience.  I saw some great and very creative things.  Well, more often than not neat and creative people.

This guy who did an astonishing task of playing the "glass harmonica".  Those are spectacles with water and he played them beautifully.


A living statue.  (I think she was supposed to "anoint" people; I didn't go blessed.)

This guy.


They besides had a LOT of vendors with a LOT of different things (some pertaining to Renaissance and some… well, Non.)

I enjoyed this new experience and saw a lot of interesting things.

For the solo part of my Artist's Date, I took $10 into the Goodwill and browsed effectually.  I found a few old dishes that will provide lots of cracking artistic inspiration for my newfound dearest of cooking.

What did you do on your Creative person's Date this week?

Happy weekend,

Karen Beth  đŸ™‚

Hey, everyone. Rebecca here over again.

Have you gone on your Artist Engagement this week?


I haven't, either.

Isn't it funny how something that sounds so fun tin be and then hard to prioritize? I wouldn't break a date with my husband. I wouldn't ditch a friend's party or cancel a doctor's appointment. Just spending fourth dimension alone, soaking in inspiration to practice the things I beloved? Well, putting that off is as piece of cake equally skipping a workout – another thing I know tin can only do me good.

So, in the spirit of the famous final-run a risk workout on "The Biggest Loser," I'1000 proposing a Terminal Take chances Artist Engagement for this week!

Browse the books and magazines at a library or bookstore. Hire a motion picture. Go to a costume shop. See an art exhibit. Visit a fall festival, an art supply shop, or arts and crafts shop. Pick a project to tackle, and run out for supplies.

I know, co-ordinate to TAW, we should go along our Artist Appointment alone. But sometimes, that only doesn't work out, especially on the weekends. Don't let that stop you lot. Yes, nosotros need to brand fourth dimension to be creative and seek out inspiration, but the occasional Artist Date with a date, friend or kids in tow is far amend than no Artist Date at all.

What are you lot planning (or what did y'all do) for your Creative person Appointment this week? In that location's all the same time to go that Concluding Chance Artist Appointment in! Let's get!!!

Hey, everyone! Rebecca here.

You lot know, I thought I had a handle on the things we're covering in this affiliate. I'd dealt with the poisonous playmates, the crazymakers and the skepticism. I don't take a trouble paying attention to the "small things." I love the small things. I was in line to become an A++ in Calendar week 2.

Then I got to the exercises.

Take you done any of the exercises withal?

Question 2 was an eye-opener: Where does your time become?

I thought I knew. I hateful, I'm a freelance writer with a food blog. My top five activities would take to be writing, cooking, shooting photos, promoting my site, and planning future projects, correct?

Well, I DO do all of those things, but not every day.

Nope, on a daily basis, 1 of my top five activities is wasting time on the Net. Letting myself get sucked into checking email, Facebook and Twitter. Reading manufactures and blog posts for HOURS.

I tin can't be the only ane who does this.

Then I got to question eight: List ten changes you'd like to make for yourself, from the meaning to the pocket-size.

No problem, right? But as I was writing my list, I started feeling really anxious. And as I started feeling really anxious, I really, really wanted to cheque my e-mail.

And so, yes, I learned something almost myself. I learned that I use my time online to numb myself to anxiety. I have anxiety, because I'm not making changes. I'm not making changes, considering I'm online too much. It'due south a vicious cycle.

Thank you, Julia.

Practice I want to waste my time on mindless crap? NO! I have too many things I want to do! So now that I'm enlightened of what's going on, I'k adamant to suspension the cycle. I have my list of 10 tiny changes on a notecard, and I'chiliad challenging myself to terminate them before the finish of the year. (I've already got the hallway taped upwards and ready to be painted!)

*** What about you? Have you lot learned annihilation from the exercises? Were you freaked out by seeing how you Really spend your time? Confess! ***

There'south a lot of info in Week 2 and then we've decided to extend it for another week.  Everyone cool with that?

Okay then.

Residual is good, don't y'all remember?

The No. vii Task at the back of Chapter two is a particularly expert i.  We often favor one or two areas of our lives thereby neglecting others.  These six key areas are:

  • Spirituality
  • Exercise
  • Play
  • Piece of work
  • Friends
  • Romance / Adventure

I've also read that there are in fact SEVEN, non six, cardinal life areas.  These would exist:

  • Spiritual
  • Intellectual
  • Psychological
  • Social
  • Professional
  • Recreational
  • Concrete

Whichever list yous tend toward, they are very similar.

In lodge for your life to be harmonious and counterbalanced, you need activeness in and attention to each of these areas.  Do you have it?  In what areas are you lacking?  This exercise is great because it volition not simply help to enhance your creativity, it volition enhance and add to your overall well-being and quality of life.

Take this a fleck further and make a brusque list of activities you can do in each area once or several times each calendar week and do them.  Balance is good!


Source: https://theartistswayblog.wordpress.com/

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